In the project, we take a closer look at how people perceive their morality. We conduct our studies online to ensure full anonymity and confidentiality of data. Taking part in the survey is voluntary. Participants need to be 18 years old.
In our study, we ask anonymous people about their (un)ethical behavior, as well as their moral beliefs and moral emotions. We are particularly interested in the unethical behavior of respondents (such as cheating on a partner, fraud at work, and theft). Nevertheless, anyone can enter our study by filling in the questionnaire and learning more about their morality. Each respondent receives immediate feedback after completing the survey. Participants may resign from the study at any moment.
The project aims to reach the biggest number of participants, especially those who have done something unethical and want to share such information anonymously, supporting the research in moral psychology.
Participants (adults of different ages, with varying levels of education, both male and female) will complete several tools regarding their moral beliefs and emotions; they will also be asked about anti-social behaviors.
We plan to conduct our study for a minimum of 3 years [update: the survey is over, but you can still take the survey! And see your results ;)]
Which moral beliefs and emotions characterize people who engage in socially undesirable behaviors?
Projekt finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki, konkurs Miniatura 1, numer: 2017/01/X/HS6/01332.
Project financed by National Science Center, Poland, Miniatura 1, number: 2017/01/X/HS6/01332.